ABC – Call for Sites
Ashford Borough Council has published information on each of the sites submitted as part of its recent Local Plan 2041 – ‘Call for Sites’ exercise to identify land that may potentially be available, for inclusion in a new Local Plan for the borough.
Around 300 sites were submitted for a variety of different potential uses ranging from housing and employment to biodiversity, wetlands and energy generation. Officers will now begin the process of individually assessing each site for their suitability, availability and achievability.
At this stage, the list of submitted sites is published for information purposes only and no decision has been taken as to which sites will form part of a future strategy for the borough. Once all sites have been assessed, the council’s preferred options for growth will be published for public consultation. Just because a site has been put forward for development it does not mean it will be allocated in the Local Plan nor does it determine whether planning permission should be granted on any subsequent planning application that may be submitted.
Having an up to date Local Plan is important to guide and manage growth and change across the borough to ensure that future development is built in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. It sets out the spatial vision of the land that needs to be provided to meet identified needs for a range of uses such as new homes and jobs, as well as places for retail and leisure uses, community infrastructure, and visitor and tourism facilities. The plan also seeks to protect valued assets such as landscape, heritage, nature and open spaces.
Find out more:
For more information on how to view which sites have been suggested to the council, visit: